The Littlest Blessings

Day One.

If there's one thing that this challenge will make you acknowledge with haste, it's all the little snacks and blessings that we take for granted every day.  It requires mental concentration and effort to make sure that we don't eat more than our budget allows and that within itself tells us just how truly blessed we are.

My day started off without any breakfast, since I hadn't yet prepared my week's groceries.  At work, I let my mind slip for just a few minutes and I absentmindedly reached into the little "goody" bowl for a handful of mints; I ate them before I realized that they would count against my budget -- so my day started off with .50 worth of mints, first thing.  Nutritious breakfast, huh?

But no worries, my plan developed as the day went on, and I finally invested in $5.95 worth of groceries to last me the rest of the week: eggs, bananas, yogurt, ramen noodles, and black beans.  I feel like it's a good start for my first time living with such a small budget, especially since I still have $1.05 of spare cash in case of a hunger emergency later in the week.

For lunch, I ate a banana, another .21 cents from my daily allowance, with little substance to get me through the day.  By dinner, I was ravenous.  It didn't help that Kristopher decided to cook himself a giant batch of beef stroganoff in my kitchen tonight, either.  Not to seem whiny, but the smells made my stomach clench.  The first night, and I feel like my eyes are already open a little wider -- if I can't even last 24 hours on this small-budget diet, I can't imagine what a lifetime of hunger would be like.

My conscious felt guilty for being hungry already, which made it easier to swallow my .70 cent dinner: a bowl of ramen and a cup of yogurt, .23 cents and .50 cents, respectively.  My meal seemed tiny in comparison to Kris' dinner -- the dinner I would have been eating during normal circumstances -- but I know it was huge in comparison to the dinner that millions around the world were lucky to eat tonight.

All in all, it was a pretty good first day's experience.  I can't wait to see what the following days have in store.

I'm so thankful for all the support from my family and friends; if anyone has a spare dollar or two, please consider donating to the Global Poverty Project by going to my pledge page, here.

"There is so much that people take for granted." - Vivienne Westwood



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