The Finish Line!

Day Five!

Well, it's been a long week, folks!  I can't say it's been eventful, necessarily, but it was definitely interesting trying to be full, healthy, and cheap all at the same time.  I'm just glad that Ingles has blessed me with Ramen Noodles.

But the bigger picture is that there are still billions of people, families, that face this reality every day of their lives.  When the Earth's resources are open to all men, how can we still deny them to so many?

I hope you feel as strongly as I do about this issue.  When The Global Poverty Project brought their film to Western Carolina University, I was so blown away by the things that they showed us.  Families living in landfills, without the opportunity of employment and a better future, living off of $1.50 a day for everything: medical needs, food, hygiene, clothing, a home, school, everything...

Call me dramatic, but I'm being completely honest when I say that it's mere luck which determines when and where we're born -- luck, that separates us from the severe conditions faced by billions of people every single day of their lives.  We take everything we have for granted... this computer I'm typing on, for instance!  The schools we go to, the beds we sleep on.  I could go on and on about it, but I have a very famous quote that explains what I'm thinking better than I ever could:

"If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?" 
-- 1 John 3:17 (NIV)

Please, take a second out of your day to donate to the efforts of the Global Poverty Project, and their continued fight to end world poverty.  You can do that here.  Remember, you can donate until May 31st!



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