Ending Global Poverty

Day Three.

Enough about me!  If you guys come here, you deserve to know about the issue at hand.

Since the Global Poverty Project first initiated their efforts at alleviating poverty, the number of those in extreme poverty has been reduced from 1.4 Billion to to 1.2 Billion, and things are looking up!

The Global Poverty Project utilises the power of education, communications, advocacy, campaigning and the media to advance the movement to end extreme poverty.
We know extreme poverty is a complex issue, and that it can’t be eradicated overnight, or by one person. That’s why we’re building a global movement for change: focused on making a difference now, and changing the systems and policies that keep people in poverty. 
We do this in two ways: 
• Campaigning for government, business and consumer action that will create important systemic change for the world’s extreme poor, and
• Building a movement that engages and educates people, and supports them to take simple but effective individual actions for change.

If you're interested in the Global Poverty Project and want to help them take action against the injustice of global poverty, you should check out there website, here.  If you're interested in helping them gain funding, you should consider donating to them, here.



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